Outreach opportunities

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Welcome back. To use this database to its full potential, we recommend watching our database & tracking intro video.

Good to knows:

  • Outreach opportunities: Filter to find the most relevant and hit the star in the top right corner of each card to save.
  • Reactive opportunities: Turnover quickly, so we recommend checking twice a week. If you pitch to a reactive opportunity, hit star to add to ‘Saved’ first and then add to ‘Pitches’.
  • Saved and Pitches: Add opportunities to ‘Pitches’ through ‘Saved’.
  • Remember, 90% of outreach should be proactive and 10% reactive.

We’re constantly checking and updating database details. If an email bounces back, let us know here and we’ll update the information.

Outreach opportunitiesRequest opportunitiesSavedPitches
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