Core|Gift guide

Proactive opportunities

Request opportunities


Pitch Tracker

Quick links


Core press database

To get the most out of the database, start with the Database & Pitch Tracker intro in your Onboarding section.

Good to knows:

  • Proactive opportunities: Filter for relevance and click the star in the top right corner of each card to save.
  • Request opportunities: Short turnaround time, so we recommend checking twice a week. Before pitching to a request opportunity, click the star to save it to ‘Saved’ and then add it to ‘Pitch Tracker’.
  • Saved and Pitches: Easily track opportunities by moving them from ‘Saved’ to ‘Pitches’.
  • 90% of your pitching will be proactive, with 10% for request opportunities.

We regularly check database details. If an email bounces back, let us know here and we’ll update the information.

Proactive opportunitiesRequest opportunitiesSavedPitch Tracker
Quick links
Feature suggestions
Pitch templates
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